Selamat Sore Avira System Speedup Full adalah aplikasi yang dapat meningkatkan kinerja komputer anda dengan cara menghapus file-file yang tidak terpakai secara hati-hati, mengoptimalkan system windows anda, membebaskan ruang harddisk dan memory yang tidak terpakai oleh system, dan masih banyak lagi fitur tune up lainnya. Jika anda mempunyai komputer atau laptop yang semakin lama semakin menurun performanya, maka kemungkinan besar hal ini disebabkan oleh banyaknya file sampah yang tersimpan di komputer anda. File sampah ini tidak berguna sama sekali dan hanya menambah ruang harddisk anda, sehingga komputer anda bekerja lebih lambat.

What New in versions 1.16.11
• Multiple tools to reduce load on your PC: Junk Files and Registry Cleaner or Smart Defragmenter
• Free Privacy option to check the files you get from the Internet
• Keep the documents you want to keep saved (File Encryption option)
• File Shredder to make sure your deleted folders
• Uninstaller option to delete applications you don’t want anymore
• Disk Analyzer to make suggestions of how to get the most of your computer disk space
• Drivers assistant to check the good connection between your software and your hardware
What New in versions 1.16.11
• Multiple tools to reduce load on your PC: Junk Files and Registry Cleaner or Smart Defragmenter
• Free Privacy option to check the files you get from the Internet
• Keep the documents you want to keep saved (File Encryption option)
• File Shredder to make sure your deleted folders
• Uninstaller option to delete applications you don’t want anymore
• Disk Analyzer to make suggestions of how to get the most of your computer disk space
• Drivers assistant to check the good connection between your software and your hardware

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